Dive into a collection of articles that amplify neurodivergent voices, support a more thorough understanding of neurodiversity, and challenge common misconceptions.

Moving beyond the mirror: the disconnect between eating disorder treatment and the needs of dysphoric Trans people 

Moving beyond the mirror: the disconnect between eating disorder treatment and the needs of dysphoric Trans people 

Kai Schweizer examines how mainstream eating disorder treatments (such as ‘mirror exposure therapy’) elide the Trans experience of gender dysphoria in their pursuit of ‘radical body acceptance’, causing harm to and invalidating the experiences of Trans people with eating disorders.

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Eating Disorders and AuDHD
Adam Fare Adam Fare

Eating Disorders and AuDHD

Up until about 4 years ago, I had so many questions about my eating disorder. Why did I go from a seemingly happy 11-year-old to a seriously unwell 12-year-old?

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